Horsemanship & Rawhide Braiding dvds


Advanced Rawhide Braiding

Advanced Rawhide Braiding


• Make a one string long button (Quicker and easier than multiple string buttons.
• Make a button and a half (One string button)
• Fill in color patterns on a long button
• Take a heel knot to under three level (When another color is used it puts two stripes on the knot)
• How to interweave another color in the heel knot
• Side button (Common on side of hackamores)
• Increase Spanish Ringh Button

Clear and concise, goes slow enough for anyone to follow!

The information shown will definately put more value and professionalism in your rawhide or leather braided cowboy equipment.

$47.00 plus $7.00 for shipping and handling,
Cal. residents add 7.25% available in DVD or VHS (vhs while supplies last)

To Order: Send check or money order to
Bryan Neubert, PO Box 726, Alturas, CA 96101.
COD please include additional charge of $5.00



The First WeekThe First Week

Join Bryan, Joe and Jim as they start 20 head of the famous 6666's colts. Watch over
7-hours of video & listen to their detailed narration of The First Week.
Jim and Bryan Neubert, and Joe Wolter got together to start twenty-head of colts for the Four Sixes Ranch in Guthrie, Texas for their first week of handling.

Join them on this over seven hour video or DVD as they start these colts on their first lesson on catching, leading, gentling, saddling, riding, roping, riding out, hobbling, feet handling, trailer loading, cow-working, gate opening, trailing loose horses and a whole lot of little things in between that can make a big difference.

Whether you have one colt to start or a hundred you might benefit from joining them as these horses evolve in The First Week.

Available in both DVD and VHS.

To Order The First Week send check or money order to:
The First Week
PO Box 742
Aspermont, TX 79502
or call 940-989-2799 to order by phone.
Please call after 5 p.m. central time.

Price Reduced! Look for a Promo on RFD TV Spring 2011
$150 + 8.00 shipping and handling. ($10 outside the U.S.)
Texas residents please add 8.25% sales tax
Credit card, check or money order accepted.


Wild Horse Handling with Bryan Neubert Wild Horse Handling

This two hour video shows Bryan communicating with a young, wild horse fresh off the Nevada range. He demonstrates basic horse handling principles that can be applied to any horse. Watching this video will be a valuable learning experience for all horsemen.

Through the video, the colt becomes trusting and confident as Bryan demonstrates how he catches, halters, handles the feet, leads and mounts this wild horse for the first time. You will see each step develop, building a solid foundation for the rest of this young horse's life.

$60.00 plus $7.00 for shipping and handling, (CA residents add 7.25% sales tax)

Bryan was featured in the February, 1996 issue of Western Horseman Magazine.






Introduction to Rawhide BraidingIntroduction to Rawhide Braiding
"The Cowboy's Craft"

This video is approximately two hours long and shows one way of making rawhide, and braiding 4, 8 and 12 strands. It includes all the basic buttons necessary for making reins and romal, bosals, quirts, hackamores, reatas and hobbles.

Also included are sources for tools and materials and an insert detailing string measurements for these items. The buttons and braiding are clear and easy to follow. Many people have learned to make their own gear from this tape and some have turned this knowledge into a part or full time business. This video is for the beginner or intermediate braider.

$60.00 plus $7.00 for shipping and handling, (CA residents add 8.25% sales tax)

To Order Wild Horse Handling or Introduction to Rawhide Braiding:
Send check or money order to: B&P Neubert Enterprises Inc., PO Box 726, Alturas, CA 96101. COD please include additional charge of $5.00